Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: Why are only a few projects shown in the portfolio?
  • A: Since all projects we complete are bound by a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) we cannot always display every project we complete. In other words, if we do not have permission from the client to display it on our website we simply cannot.

  • Q: How can you offer so many services?
  • A: We offer the listed services because most of the services tie in with each other. We have people who are qualified to perform each service that is requested, needed, and listed.

  • Q: How does the Kreative Tek Solutions website load so fast?
  • A: Our website loads fast because it is created using HTML5, CSS3, and several other scripting languages. In other words, this site is not made using any sort of Content Management System (CMS) such as WordPress, Joomla, and so on.

  • Q: Do you guys provide services worldwide regardless of location?
  • A: Our software services are provided worldwide regardless of where the client is located. Especailly now with COVID all of our employees and contractors are remote resulting in better productivity and efficency. When it comes to hardware or networking services it will all determine on the cost of the project.

  • Q: What happens to the email I use on contact & other forms on this site?
  • A: All information provided will be kept confidential & will not be disclosed to the public without the client's consent. This is applicable to email, name, number, address, and anything else that is provided.

  • Q: Are the services you are offering hard or impossible to learn by myself?
  • A: No, it is absolutely not impossible but it can be hard. Every service offered can be done by everyone, but the catch is, it may take time to understand and learn, which is a luxury most people do not have, and sometimes in rare situations you may even need to take a class or two.

  • Q: What was the reason for creating the company?
  • A: This company was created to provide companies and people both older & newer generations assistance in creating an online presence and helping them go from a small business to a fortune 500 business.

  • Q: How does the live chat work?
  • A: Live chat works just like a regular live chat system. If any there are any inquires or if help required the fastest way to contact us is through live chat aside from calling us.

  • Q: Does the number & email provided work or is that like the address?
  • A: Both our phone number & email work flawlessly along with all the forms on the website.

  • Q: If I would like to hire Kreative Tek Solutions where would we meet and what is the process?
  • A: We normally try to set up a meeting wherever you are most comfortable (we recommend a restaurant this way it is not too formal, a bit more casual, and we can interact with the client as a friend rather than a stakeholder. Unless the client has an office they would like to meet at). Due to the recent COVID pandemic all in person meetings have been change to virtual meetings unless it is required for the project to commence. As for the process if we come to a conclusion and determine we are capable of doing the specified task we would get a contract typed up and proceed with a few other formalities. Once that is complete we would proceed with the work according to the contract which is agreed upon by both parties.

  • Q: Where are you located?
  • A: Kreative Tek Solutions is registered as a company in Orlando, FL. However, all of the work done, is throughout the entire United States because we have different team members located in different areas.

  • Q: How do you charge for projects?
  • A: Normally, we charge a flat fee for a project depending on the project. But there have been incidents where we are requested to charge per hour. The fee is determined by the type of project and the expected requirements of the project.

  • Q: How far does your company provide service?
  • A: The distance is determined based on the project. We do not mind traveling if that is what is needed for the project but if traveling is included then the price of the project will also get affected. Usually, it is possible to avoid traveling and conduct a virtual meeting.

  • Q: What is your average project turn over time?
  • A: We cannot provide an average project turn over time because as stated before every project is different. That being said if we state a specific average time frame we do not want to be obliged to finish a project or system within that time frame especially if that is not possible by our development team.

  • Q: Do you also provide design services besides Software, Hardware, and Networking?
  • A: That is correct. We also provide designing and recently added SEO services as well. Though that is not our primary focus we do provide that service to try and keep the entire project synced within our company.

  • Q: Do you charge tax?
  • A: We currently are trying to avoid service tax and will strictly be charging only a service fee. If the project requires hardware or other materials that must be purchased which the client will own, then tax on the product will be charged unless we go and obtain the materials and hardware. If that is the case we will charge a service fee for getting the hardware on top of the price of the hardware. Note: We are not selling you the hardware or material. We are just purchasing it and charging you a fee for our service of obtaining the resource(s).

Last Edited: November 01, 2025